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Workshops & Courses

Expand your Knowledge

Paula's anatomical based courses and workshops are designed to add more depth to your yoga practice or teaching. With current scientific based teachings and infused with the ancient wisdom of energy practices, Paula offers in-person and live trainings and workshops to enhance your skills. Join us and take your practice to the next level. 

 Yoga Teacher Trainings 

Inspire Transformation Within

“Learning to be present with yourself and to abide in that which is steady and comfortable does not allow space for self-judgment. When you live this way, you are practicing yoga: you are living fully.” — Judith Hanson Lasater, Living Your Yoga: Finding the Spiritual in Everyday Life

My journey of practice in yoga, meditation, energy and western medicine evolved into a training program called Spirit of Yoga, a 200-hour Yoga Teacher and Reiki 1 Teacher Training (accredited with Yoga Alliance). Born out of passion in collaboration with seasoned teachers Anja and Selina, this training is designed for aspiring teachers and students alike looking to develop greater depth, meaning and authenticity, along with the tools to become a certified Yoga Teacher and Reiki Practitioner. 

Highlight of the training include:

  • Deepening your Asana, Pranayama & Meditation practice 

  • Learning to guide inspiring classes

  • Empowering self through transformative self-development tools

  • Exploring the world of subtle energies through our Energy Medicine Program

  • Nurturing your mind and body with delicious and nutritious meals

  • Immersing yourself in a conscious community on a stunning tropical island

  • Making lifelong friends 

  • inspire transformation within​

Next Training Dates to be announced

 Learn to practice Reiki


Invite Balance Where Needed

Reiki is not a new age practice. Rather, it’s an ancient healing modality from Japan that dates back to ancient times. It was brought into widespread practice by Dr. Mikao Usui in the early 1900s. In addition to Yoga and Meditation, I strongly believe Reiki belongs to the same family of basic self care, self awareness and self development techniques to guide anyone to return to their truest essence. Easy to use for self and others, this modality is for everyone to invite balance wherever balance is needed -- revealing the life rafts beyond the shadows of the self.


While there are three levels of Reiki certification, the common thread is the attunement, which opens the seeker to receive and become a channel for the universal Reiki energy (“Rei” as spiritual and “Ki” as vital energy). Again, “where attention goes, energy flows.” By directing universal energy through the hands and hovering above the body, this modality invites us all to activate the natural healing mechanisms within to restore the fullness of physical and emotional well being. I offer workshops on all levels of Reiki I, II and III, both online 1:1 and group trainings.

Reiki I: In this first Level of Reiki, you take a tangible step through the door of the energy world. This first level focuses on the basic hand positions to give oneself and another a full body treatment, targeting the seven basic energy centers or “chakras” (the anatomy of the chakras will also be covered in this course). The hands are held for 3-5 minutes about 3-5 inches above the client who is fully clothed during the sessions. Grounded both in theory and practice, Reiki I will give you the introductory framework and tools for conducting a healing session.


Reiki II: In this second chapter, you will dive deeper into what energy feels like in its true nature. The focus areas look into the Reiki symbols, which are used to enhance the workings of energy within the body. We will explore how to use them both in-person and by distance healing. Grounded again in both theory and practice, Reiki II sets you up for an exciting and powerful journey



Learn to practice and teach  Reiki 

Reiki III (Master): In this final leg of Reiki, you receive the remaining  Master Reiki Symbol. You deepen your understanding of how Reiki is truly an invisible fabric that weaves through all of life. Remembering how easy it is to forget our true nature and connection to all things, we come back home to wholeness. In this course, you develop fluency with the master symbol and other techniques that will elevate your capacity to guide yourself and others back to a state of emotional and physical balance and Wellbeing within themselves. This level also includes how to attune others to Reiki and how to teach and hold 

To book a private group or 1:1 Reiki Workshop or a small group either in-person or online contact us me at to arrange a package and date prices start at 260euro for a Reiki I or II workshop and 400euros for Reiki Master Level

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